João Loureiro

Reprodução assistida, 2018


In the butcher of the supermarket Futurama, located in Vila Buarque, São Paulo, a freezer cabinet contains several sculptures made with ground beef. The sculptures are small-scale reproductions of the artwork “Two-Piece Reclining Figure: Points” (1969-1970) by Henry Moore (1898-1986). Once a week, one of these sculptures is placed alongside the other meats in the mais refrigerated display case. Then, it is transported to a captive breeding of house flies where it becomes food for these insects. Once a week, the adult flies are removed from captivity and released in the neighbourhood of Vila Buarque. Once a week, dead flies are collected from the insect-light-trap installed in the same butcher shop. Once a week, the dead flies are taken to the exhibition space in the gallery Jaqueline Martins, and stuck, with entomological pins, in a styrofoam sculpture which is a full-scale reproduction of the work “Unique Forms of Continuity in Space”(1913) by Umberto Boccioni (1882-1916). This sculpture is one of the main symbols of Futurism and it’s original plaster belong to MAC USP collection, in São Paulo. From it were realised the bronze versions, the fourth and last one made for the TATE Gallery and exchanged with the MAC for the sculpture “Two-Piece Reclining Figure: Points” by Henry Moore. Throughout the show the same processes are repeated and the styrofoam sculpture accumulates more and more dead flies.


    Consult gallery about available works by João Loureiro